"My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness" 2 Corinthians 12:9

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Happy Saturday!

tsohg-PL60x60gravatarpinklemon I am getting there...don't you just love how summery this set is.  I just love Pam's graphics.  I have wanted to use this for a long time, and have others that I want to check out.

This is going to be a short post for now, as Michael and I are heading out this morning.  Have to take Tori to cheer camp.  She is a instructor again this year.  The camp is today and tomorrow. 

The weather here this morning is cool but nice but rains are suppose to come in later today...so want to get a few things done before it gets here.

Have a super Saturday.



  1. Hi Cindy!! It looks great in here, I do love these graphics.
    Have a great time today!! ((BIG HUGS))!!

  2. Hey Cindy! I LOVE the new graphics - how cute are they ;-)

    Thanks for the email and the code... I still haven't done a thing with it all yet but I will give it a whirl!

    Hope you had a great day!

    Hugs xo
