Good Morning Ladies, here we find ourselves at the end of the week and another summer weekend on the horizon. I am so thankful for my weekends, I love them, mostly because it is a time that my hubby is home and we can spend time together. I always LOVE that. Granted this weekend will have some little jobs that need to be done but for the most part nothing real pressing.
Today is filled with alot of little things I need/want to take care of. Just a few little housework chores, but my big focus today is going to be on getting my “quiet time with the Lord” better organized. In recent post I have shared about my struggling with things and one thing I have come to realize is that my time with the Lord has been sporadic of late. This MUST come to a stop. I am a person who NEEDS that nourishment every day. I miss my quiet time on a daily basis and I do hunger for it. But I can get so sidetracked by life and the computer that I don’t seem to get around to it. But I feel God calling me back to it, and nudging me to get myself back on track. So I plan to start back with it faithfully on Monday. (Although) I will get sometime in today, but normally my quiet time will be spent in the mornings with a devotion or inspirational reading before bedtime. Not sure about you, but I am a list maker and I like structure and organization. Those things help me keep my mind focused and on track. So that is the main reason for putting together my portable desk of study materials. I like having all my things in one place.
I love devotions and I have found two really good ones that I subscribe too and will be incorporating them into my quiet time. If you are looking for or are in need of some great devotions check out the Proverbs 31 Ministries and sign up for their devotional to be email to you daily. How easy is that? Another great devotion, you can sign up for is AnGel Ministries by Anne Graham Lotz.
My study time is more than just reading my bible. As I have grown as a Christian, my quiet time has changed over time, Now I HUNGER for the word and the truth. I like to really research and get to meat of what God is trying to tell me. My quiet time/study time looks something like this. In my Bible time tool kit you’ll find:
- My Bible – I usually use my NIV Scofield Study Bible, because this bible is marked up
with side notes and any other pertinent information I have gathered over time. It is highlighted throughout with passages that have “spoke” to me over the years.
- Pen and highlighter
- Journal – I record specific things God teaches or shows me from His Word. Then I can go back and review them. I also write down things He tells me to do. Writing them down makes me feel more accountable! And writing prayers or the main points of what I’m praying about helps keep my mind from wandering.
- Bible Reading Plan – I have tried several different ones, I have done Topical Reading Plans, Chronological Reading Plan, but for now, I think I will be continuing on with daily Proverbs reading, while hitting some topics
- Scripture Memory Cards – I usually write a verse that speaks to me on a index card, and meditate and try memorizing it through out the day.
- Prayer Snapshots – Sometimes but not always I put a photo or a article or something tangible into my pray list. This way it’s harder for me to forget it.
- Also a book that I might be focusing on….Right now I am studying “The Power of Prayer to Change your Marriage” and “ The Power of Praying for your Adult Children”, both by Stormie Omartian.
- Prayer (I have tried many methods of prayer over the years, so that I cover all those situations, people, etc using a schedule ie Mondays-family, friends, marriage, Tuesday-sick, grieving, military, country, Wednesday, well you get the idea) but I think I am going to try a Prayer Calendar this time. There are so many people and situations to be in prayer for I am scared I will forget…this way I can stay more focused. Granted, I always pray for a specific need when it is needed. To get a better idea of the approach I am talking about Teri Underwood has a great post on it here
If you are in need of some awesome helpful tips on your study time check out Kathy Howard, she has given us some great discipleship tools to use, and I recommend printing them out for easy access.
Ladies, even though we live in a troubled times with all that goes on around us. We also live in a amazing time with all the technology that is afforded us. The internet is such a great way to connect with our Christian sisters as well as finding the tools we need to be better equipped in our daily walk. I encourage you to seek these places out and let God grow in you. Be all that God wants you to be.
“I seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray from your commands. I have hidden your word in my heart that I may not sin against you.” Psalm 119:10 – 11
Hope you have a blessed day!
Colossians 2:9-10“For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, and you have been given fullness in Christ, who is the head over every power and authority.” Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |
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